Tuesday 17 April 2012

P is for Purpose

We often wonder what our purpose is and want our lives to have meaning.  I never once imagined that I would be a carer, having to make the decisions for my mums life and dealing with the responsibility.

I have always been an organised person, loving lists and order.  I love organising the lives of others and my previous job as an Executive PA addressed the need for these skills in making sure my boss was where he needed to be at the right time or the conference went smoothly.

I saw the skills transferring to my own business when I was made redundant.  What I also had to do was transfer the skills I used in all my jobs and refit them making them fit for purpose as a carer and constantly remind myself how far I have come.  As we gather new experiences to deal with the tasks at hand we are equiped with additional skills for the next challenge that will come.

What challenges have you faced and found you were able to deal with when you really got down to it?

Words so far....

A is for Alzheimer’s, B is for Behaviour, C is for Carer, D is for Dependant, E is for Enough, F is for Fear, G is for Guilt, H is for Health Professionals, I is forIdentity, J is for Judgement K is for Knowledge, L is for Love,  M is for Motherhood, N is for Neighbourhood, O is for Opportunities 

These posts are part of the A-Z Challenge taking place during the month of April.  I have been sharing about my experience as a carer to a mother with Dementia.  If you would like to know more join the Arts in Health Network and also check out my website for information on some of the work I have done with Creativity and Dementia.
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