Showing posts with label Try something new. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Try something new. Show all posts

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Holidays - Memories of Home

Welcome to Memories of Home, if you would like to find out more information about the series, Click here.

Being in a supportive environment is important to our growth as individuals, not everyone has had that opportunity and as adults we try and create an environment that will nurture and bless our children and indeed ourselves.

I guess it is too early to start to talk about holidays, daydreaming about fun times in the sun, the sand beneath my feet and the waves lashing around bringing with it the cool breeze of a Caribbean afternoon.  We begin the year and already 2 weeks into January, a fresh beginning, new start, and a chance to do all the things that you dreamed of and a few that you didn’t.  I often take a glace back at where I have come from as a reminder of not only what I have left to do but also of where I want to go.  Our dreams do not drive themselves and while the ‘good things come to those who wait’ – reminds us about patience, no one will be knocking on your door with the man/woman/career/house/car of your dreams anytime soon.


This year one of the things I would like to see materialize in 2014 is the ability of being able to work from anywhere in the world on one of the many creative pursuits that I currently have in motion and be able to impact the lives of thousands, tens of thousands (ok lets think big) Millions! All this to be done through art and creative expression!  

I want to get up with the sun shining, hearing the tropical birds outside my window, with the trees swaying, and start my work after having a morning swim at the beach that is a stroll away from my house.  After my fruit smoothie with a combination of pawpaw, sweet & sour sop, mango, golden apple, pear, and banana the fruit from the trees in my garden I go into my art studio and start work on a selection of the large canvases series for an upcoming exhibition.  There is a distant sound of steel pans that sound as if they are coming towards the house, strange to hear them so early in the morning, but a great accompaniment to my creative flow.  I make a mental note to order some more paints, the steel pans getting closer, as if they are now outside my window.  

I reach for the latch on the window, but instead find myself turning over in bed and reaching for the mobile phone, now at its top volume after having the snooze button pressed for the final time.  My throat dry as I call out to my son to get up and get himself sorted for school, and wonder how many 6 or 8 legged fiends I consumed while sleeping!

Working for yourself

Being self employed at the moment means that every day is a work day, the dreams keep me motivated, and the mild weather we have been getting gives me the necessary ‘breeze across my face coming from the Caribbean’ feeling.  Looking back in my teenage years I never dreamed I would be calling myself an artist and have worked and connected with a range of inspirational and encouraging individuals, if you asked me after my degree as I launched myself back into the ‘corporate world’ that I would be sharing my journey and encouraging others I would have signed and said ‘in an ideal world’.  
Caribbean inspired

As I look forward I see that I have come a long way, yet the journey has not completed – far from it, there is still so many adventures waiting to be experienced and it begins with today and what I decide to do or not do, but choice there has to be made.

What have you done with your today, and what will you do with your tomorrow.  Have you already found yourself defeated from those promises you made on the 1st January or are you taking a slow and steady pace with your eyes on the prize.  Do leave a comment.  I would love to hear what big and little things you have planned I hope you continue to join me on my journey over the weeks, as I share my mixed media houses and look back to the memories of home. I look forward to hearing about some of your own memories. Blessings and peace to you!

Friday 3 January 2014

Gratitude's and Celebration - Week 26 - Miracles

Miracles Happen Every Day!

We are just 3 days into the New Year.  Do you remember what you did around this time last year?  I know many made promises to themselves of things they would do, try to achieve or try to change.  How many have see these things come to pass?

Often we look for the miracles in life to be massive things that take our breath away.  Winning the lottery, getting that dream house (out of the blue) or landing that job that you know you aren't qualified for but they liked you.  I am sure you can think of other things that are massive that you might count as a miracle.  For some these things have been their reality and they are looking for the next big thing.

Gratitude's and Celebration page before completion
For the general population miracles are happening every day, yet we over look them or take them for granted.  One of the reasons for doing a Gratitude's and Celebration journal was to remind myself of those things that I very often take for granted and celebrate them. I am grateful that the backache I went to bed with stopped when I got up in the morning.
Miracles Happen....
I am also grateful that I get to see another year.  I celebrate being able to see new changes take place in my life.  With the loss of my brother last year I celebrate his life and the impact that he made on me. 
Me aged 9 and Robert aged 5
 I celebrate all those fun times we had as children and the fine man he grew up to be.
Robert is dearly missed
Whilst we only got to enjoy 45 years of his life some get even less time and every day someone is loosing a loved one, and we were able to let him know how much we loved and cared for him.

Miracles are happening every day, if you are having a hard time in seeing them, look out your window, step out of your front door, take a breath, feel the breeze on your skin, put on some music and dance - knowing that you are at this moment pain free - even if it is just for a moment.  Make a promise to yourself this year, if it is the only promise that you do make for yourself, and that is to live each day from today with passion, see the big and small miracles that are coming your way, and do not take one more day for granted.

Miracles happen everyday! - Gratitude's and Celebration Journal
I would love to hear from you and share what you will be tackling next. As this week draws to a close have a blessed weekend! If you want to see how I made the journal (click here) Blessings!

Thursday 3 January 2013


 From this moment on....Let yourself imagine all the things you could achieve if you opened your wings to fly!

Making sure that you know how to use the equipment you have is important as it gives you greater room to be able to play and incorporate new techniques.  I have always shied away from using watercolours, feeling that they were not something that suited what I wanted to do as an artist.  Since developing my work in mixed media I have totally changed my mind, but what it needed was just a bit of understanding on how to incorporate and make it work for me.

I had been given watercolours in the past as gifts, they came in the tubes and for me I didn't find these worked.  I liked to see the colours and didn't realise that unlike acrylic, when watercolours dry, they could be reactivated with water.  I used them as I would acrylics and ran out quite quickly.  Once I learnt how to use them to fit how I worked I decided to empty the tubes into these mini pots.  It means that I can add water and use them directly. I have also mixed a few of the pots in colours that I didn't want to worry about running or drying out.  You can obviously get the pan watercolours which works on the same principle.

I also found you can put the watercolour in a spray bottle it won't dry out and render the bottle unusable, but you are able to use it as and when you need time and time again.  You can get some beautiful colours and combined with other mixed media materials create lovely effects.

I'd love to hear how you are incorporating or using watercolour in your work. Blessings 

Join me every day this month for the Ultimate blog challenge

Saturday 29 December 2012

Reflections and New Beginnings

December for me always brings about a feeling of renewal especially towards the end of the month as we look towards a new year.  A time to bring some projects to an end and find renewed strength after a period of reflection. To face a new year with new opportunities, adventures and circumstances.  This is a time to think about the new seeds that you will sow - those ideas, goals and dreams that you want to see in 2013 take shape and grow.  I feel the drive to take stock over what I have done during the year – what was a hit, what missed - deciding what the best choices for what I want to achieve. 

I find it also important this year to look at my current state of health and make changes if necessary.  I didn’t do as much walking as I would normally do this year and definitely felt the effects of an unhealthy body.  I also found out I was deficient in quite a few vitamins which may have been the cause for the allergies that presented themselves.  I tried to convince the doctor that a prescription for a holiday in the sun would be the right course of action, but she couldn’t quite get passed the cheaper version of supplements instead!  So armed with my scarf, gloves and several layers we will see the start of a regular time for exercise as I reinvest in my physical health and well-being.
Personal development is also an area that requires focus to see how you can grow.   It is important to see growth as part of a continual process for all areas of our life, it is essential for our creativity.  I do think it is important to have a personal development plan to enable you to either perfect a skill or learn a new one.  I did a few courses and workshops this year, including Hello Soul Hello Business, 21 Secrets and Motley Soul Mixed Media  - check out some of the workshops yourself.  There is always something useful to learn - it is a continuous process.

There has been also been changes in the health of loved ones and I try and think of new ways to adapt to the changing needs of my mother who has dementia or the resurfacing of the multiple myeloma for my bother.  I ask for you all to continue to lift our family in your thoughts and prayers.

Yes December for me brings thoughts of tying up loose ends and embracing the new journeys and not running from them.  I won’t run from the new challenges ahead, some will be unexpected and some we might have some notice about, but while we have this life, let’s live it to the full and as we are blessed, remember to be a blessing!  Why wait!

Monday 7 May 2012

A - Z Challenge Reflection 2012

This was my 2nd year taking part in the A- Z Challenge, and it seems to have come and gone really quickly. We had over a thousand people taking part in the challenge and it was run by founder Arlee Bird and his A-Z Team, a big thanks goes out to them! 

Alex J. Cavanaugh (Alex J. Cavanaugh), Amlokiblogs (Damyanti Biswas), Coming Down The Mountain (Karen Jones Gowen), Life is Good (Tina Downey), Retro-Zombie (Jeremy Hawkins), Cruising Altitude 2.0 (DL Hammons), The Warrior Muse (Shannon Lawrence), The QQQE (Matthew MacNish), Author Elizabeth Mueller (Elizabeth Mueller), No Thought 2 Small (Konstanz Silverbow), Pearson Report (Jenny Pearson), Breakthrough Blogs (Stephen Tremp).

This year I decided to write about my experience with Dementia and caring for my mother. It was something I really wanted to do as I often find it difficult to express how I feel without a lump coming to my throat, even more so trying to imagine how my mother feels.  I often swiftly put my thoughts to the back of my mind while I get on with the practical tasks of her care.

What really helped in writing for the challenge was to be able to put things in perspective and face up to how I felt about my situation, show the person behind the label and give you a glimpse into our world. 

There was much love and support from those who commented which helped you to feel that you were not on your own. I would like to thank all those who visited, commented and decided to follow my blog. Its always great to make new connections and form friendships.

It was especially great to visit new blogs and get to read so many interesting posts. I didn't get to visit everyone, but will attempt to this month - looks like another challenge....!  If you didn't get to participate I encourage you to dive in next year, it's great fun and once you start you will be hooked.

Next steps for me....I find these monthly challenges really do encourage you to step out of the box,  stretch yourself and grow while interacting with people from all over the world. In June I will be resuming my Try something new for 30 days - and possibly try some new art techniques. Do let me know what your next steps are and I will come and be your cheer leader....Blessings!

Thursday 5 January 2012

Clearing the Clutter - 30 days of change

I am trying to make myself more accountable in clearing my clutter and working on the little hoarder within me that loves to gather - I meant collector! The Try Something new challenge for this month is definitely testing me to the limits!

I am a collector of things that serve a purpose, or will do some day.  I realise my dad was a 'collector' of power tools, DIY equipment.  I had thought I kept but a few of his keepsakes  but the more I look around my collections I find more things that used to belong to him, some of which are tools I use now in my mixed media (so thanks dad - holding on to them did serve a purpose!).

Much to my protests, my son is showing tendencies, though he doesn't seem as discerning as I would hope and he is on my list of areas to deal with - I guess most parents can relate to the messy teenagers room, not sure if he will let me do a before picture - I still keep threatening to put a photo up on face book!

I often find myself watching the programme called Hoarders.  What pricked my interest was the 'Hoarder specialist' talking about the attachments that the individual had to a range of different things, and that many of the things were kept to fill an emotional hole, but for some the more they collected the bigger the hole became. I guess my attachments are my reminders of my past, or a memory, and as we reflect on them we can choose to hold on or let go.

I have made a list of the areas that I will be covering over the next 30 days.  I realise that some of these areas will take longer than 30 days as the aim is to clear them rather than just throwing one item my 3 draw filing cabinet will more than likely take a bit longer, but the idea is to make a dent, to see what has to be done, make a note and if necessary come back. Some of the things on the list include sorting emails, and poetry. I have written poetry for years, and they have stayed in books gathering dust, it's time to either show them the light or move on.

Here are my 30 tasks....

1.    Sort the contents of my hand bag/s
2.    Clothes that don’t fit
3.    Tatty un-wearable clothes
4.    Old makeup/products
5.    Old jewellery
6.    Recycled Paper/Shredding
7.    Old paints not used
8.    Shoes
9.    Fabric
10. Paper/card
11. Filing cabinet
12. Ephemera
13. News paper/ Magazine cuttings
14. Computer photos
15. Emails
16. Books on shelves
17. Recycled painted materials
18. Old bags not used
19. Poetry to sort
20. Pod casts recorded
21. Rubber Stamps in draws
22. Pencils/graphite/charcoals
23. Stored frames and unused art material
24. Magazine subscriptions
25. Typing to be done
26. Freezer
27. Garden – weeding/cutting back and pruning
28. My sons room!!!!
29. Garden picking up leaves from palm trees – recycling
30. Photography – art work

As I look down the list I can see already there are some things that I have an emotional attachment to and I might find that I start delay tactics in an area that I don't want to delve further in, perhaps each area reveals something that I wanted to subconsciously keep hidden.  I am seeing it as a journey, learn something new not only about myself, but about my space.  I am not an expert, I have read a lot of books on organising, which always seems easier when your doing it for other people, but there is no attachments.  So as I pull back my sleeves and don my 'I mean business face' and recycle, repurpose and give to charity I am going to expose, reveal, renew and regain my space as a place of peace, tranquillity, and most of all creativity.   What areas of your life will you be reclaiming this month?

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Unwearable Clothes - Clearing the clutter challenge Day 3

I made the mistake of buying a cheap tracksuit recently, the lining inside is really soft and warm but within 3 days it was covered in bobbles.  I used to have a bobble trimmer - a battery operated machine that would cut the bobbles off but that was many moons ago.    After deciding to just wear the tracksuit around the house, I found myself dashing out into the light of day to quickly pick something up, and then wondered why people were looking at me oddly.  This happened recently here.  The task of removing unwearable clothes was slightly easier, although hanging on to something that makes you feel comfortable can be good.  Change comes in all shapes and sizes and we need to be treating ourselves with care.  If we are seeking comfort perhaps looking at the reasons why these feelings have come up and how we can make sure we address them needs to be the next step.  

What ways do you show yourself you care about you?

Monday 2 January 2012

Clothes that don't Fit - Clearing the Clutter Challenge

Why is it that we hold on to clothes that don't fit, with the promise of one day wearing them...or is it just me?

I have told myself over the years that I would slim down and get myself into these clothes again, and I've come to the conclusion that while I am getting fitter and loosing weight something still has to go, and there needs to be a closing date. 

When I looked at some of the styles I realized that it was the fabric I liked so rather than keep it as the original item I would re-purpose it. I've been getting quite attached to making journals and book binding, been inspired by Art Journals by other artists.  I have made a few on my channel that you can look at HERE

Others clothes I've packed for charity.  Looking back on some of the pieces the clothes reminded me of the summers I spent seemingly without a care in the world, not imagining my life years later, or the responsibilities I would have - perhaps I am hankering after that care free life again... perhaps it will come in a different form.

 What are you holding on to that doesn't quite fit?

Sunday 1 January 2012

What's in the Bag? - Clearing the Clutter Challenge - Day 1

Thought I would start with clearing out my bag as a challenge, I take my bag/s with me most places and I usually chuck most things in it and end up with a lot of ‘just in case’ items, then have to use move every thing to a bigger bag.  These are the three I have been carrying around at the same time, each with a set of different items,


I realised when I really looked at the contents I was also carrying around quite a few non essential items, and that the bags didn't reflect my personality.  

I’ve taken to carrying things just in case and I realised it was time for a clear out as I couldn't always find what I wanted. 

My son does a very good take of me looking for something in my bag and he always shows me as rummaging with my head down. I realised that alongside what I call my 'hand bag' I was carrying additional bags for those oh so essential items.  A clear out came at the right time, I don't think I'll ever be a small bag carrier and will just make a point of carrying what I need in future. When I get to the sorting bags challenge I might have to loose these three.   If you carry a bag, what does the contents say about you?

Saturday 31 December 2011

Try Something New - December Update 2011

I have come to the end of my December 'Try Something New for 30 days' Challenge which was to write a minimum of 100 words a day.  I have written a combination of 14 stories and poems and a total of 17,177 words approx.  I have far exceeded what I thought I would do and feel very blessed to have completed this challenge, its amazing to think of what you can do when you put your mind to it.  I think that I will still continue to finish the rest of the stories on the list over the next few months, and  I would like to also start working on some illustrations for the stories and will be sharing my efforts over time.

As this year closes I have been not only amazed at how fast the year has gone, but the lessons learnt, the doors that closed as well as the ones that opened.  I have learnt this year more so that you get what you put into life, it is meant to be lived to the full - I have always known it but for some reason didn't really 'apply it'.  I don't always make the most of my time, and do have my moments of inactivity, but I know that all the things I ever wanted to do can be achieved by just making an effort, however small!  It is better that you make an effort than nothing at all...  This afternoon I spoke to a cousin who I haven seen for over 10 years, you would think we live on different sides of the world, she lives around 18 miles from me.  Our children have grown and don't know each other, I made a promise to myself to make the effort to renew relationships and friendships and especially for Sekani's sake get him to meet up with all the cousins he hasn't seen for a while or even met.  So I am saying goodbye to inactivity and hello to making the most of everything and with another challenge under my belt, hello 2012!

Thursday 15 December 2011

Try Something New - December Challenge Update

The first two weeks of my Try Something new challenge has passed.......

Week 1
In the first week of the challenge I began to feel slightly despondent wasn't sure why.  It was something I wanted to do, I still got up and wrote a minimum of 100 words, more often than not doing 500+ words, but there was still a feeling of a dark cloud hanging over me and I was dissatisfied.  I realised there were a few reasons for these feelings:

  • I didn't take stock of the previous challenge in November.   I had been doing my walking one and the Art every day month challenge and dove right into another one, and perhaps I needed a break. It's important to really acknowledge for yourself what you are doing and how far you have come.
  • I had got a cold the last week of the November so was feeling under the weather and didn't offer myself any tender loving care! Being kind to yourself is the only way you can get through, you have to be flexible!
  • I didn't celebrate the achievement of completing the November challenge, it's those little things that keep us going.....Celebrations are key for the end of a challenge, you have to recognise the achievement that you have  made, you have to acknowledge it.
  • I had assumed that there would be bells and fireworks and massive revelation and deep insight into my life, and whilst I learnt many things, again its the small changes that we make that will give us the long term achievements.  Revelation can come in small packages and many of the aha moments can be attributed to outstanding discoveries.  Write down what you learn and look back over time.
I had also felt quite insecure and wasn't sure I could write under the spotlight and the public commitment that I had made, so I got myself all worked up as I approached the December challenge.  Reminding yourself why you are doing the challenge is key, for me there were a series of short stories that I wanted to write and this seemed a great way to find that time that eluded me and see the results.  As long as you remember why you are doing it you won't get phased out comparing yourself to others, and keep showing up for you....  I've got a few other challenges and things that I'd like to try over the coming year.....

I recognised where the insecure feelings were coming from and was able to face the feeling and see what really lay behind the tiredness, anxiety or disinterest.  I may never write a short story again after this, but at least I know I tried and I can cross another thing off that very long list of things I'd like to try. I went out to write in a different location on Monday and had a pick me up!

Week 2
At the end of the 2nd week I am feeling more confident and enjoying sitting down and putting pen to paper and come up with a story.  In the first week I was writing a story a day and managed to do 8000 words!  this week some of the stories and becoming longer than I anticipated and I have done in total 12,110 words and I am on my 8th story.  Seeing it in print like that really does feel like an achievement as I have far exceeded the 1500 words that it could have been had I stuck to the minimum words, I will stop being so hard on myself and enjoy the process more!  I am not going to worry about doing any images yet or editing until I have finish.

I am still walking, I'm not up at 6am but and have fallen into a 'when it suits' routine which provides a good place to break from work and get a fresh perspective.

I am really looking forward to hearing what you have found challenging this month and ways in which you have planned to work it out. With Christmas coming up there are challenges to be had, dealing with the relationships we have and those ones that can be challenging.  Brave Girls Club did a few humorous videos on dealing with these difficult situations, you can check it out.

Most importantly, what is on your art supply Christmas wish list?, do you have one?, what is at the top of yours?

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Try Something New for 30 Days December 2011 Challenge

December sees a new month and new challenges to be had!  I really want to make changes to every aspect of my life and starting out with small changes will eventually become bigger changes.  You can see how I got on with the November walking challenge.

The challenge I have set myself this month will be to write a minimum of 100 words a day.  The overall aim is to write a selection of childrens short stories combined with my mixed media art work in it. This is something I have always wanted to do, and thought why not for one month - again giving myself small chunks a day at a time see how I get on, I might find that I absolutely love it, or find that it was great for a month and its not something I want to continue. 

One of my favourite childrens books is by Ezra Jack Keats I still have a copy of The Snowy Day, he used a combination of gouache with collage in his work.

I was inspired back in 2010 to look at how I could combine my work into stories in a similar way.  This is how my decision to write started out....never took off and changed direction slightly:
  • In 2004 I decided that I wanted to write childrens books, I never did, all I did was write a list of 45 possible titles, not sure why, but felt compelled to, I was determined to write......
  • 2006 - I updated the book in January and promised myself that I would start at the end of the month.....
  • 2007 saw me reviewing my goals ....and
  • 2010 February after looking at why I hadn't started I realised I didn't want to write childrens books but childrens short stories and combine my love for mixed media.
So in December 2011 I have been nervous about committing myself, but you have to jump sometime!  I worked out that even doing my morning pages I write close to 1000 words if not more on occasions. So I will start, the main aim being not to complete the 45 story titles but to enjoy the process of writing and creating the art. If you don't start now when will you start, there is no time like the present!

If you would like to join in and give yourself a challenge this month leave your link below so that we can visit your blog and give you support and encouragment.  I will be leaving update posts each week to share how I have been getting on and look forward to visiting your blogs to see how you have been getting on.

Art Every Day Month (AEDM) and Try Something New Challenge Week 4 Update

Today sees the end of two challenges that I have been doing, the Art Every Day Month (AEDM) in my Mixed Media Art blog and Try Something New for 30 days here on this blog. With the AEDM the main thing was to do something creative every day and  I have thoroughly enjoyed taking part. 

Spending time with our creativity takes practice and discipline and over the course of time you see the value of spending getting to know yourself and how you work even if it is for only 5 minutes.   I still plan to visit the other artists that took part over the month there is so much inspiring work out there and a big thanks goes out to Leah Piken Kolidas for hosting AEDM as well as other challenges.

Making time for 'me' and and achieving goals were the reasons why I wanted to start the challenge Try something new, I realised there are so many things we say we are 'going to do' but the time passes and before we know it the years have passed us by.  It feels like yesterday that I committed myself to walking 20 minutes a day but it was 30 days ago, that's how fast time is flying....

...we have no guarantees about tomorrow, what are you going to do with your today?

I now know how easy it is to get myself up and out and enjoy walking, I have also found ways to be flexible and fit around my schedule and though we have come to the end of the month it is something  I will keep up, alongside creating daily.

For December I have decided to do another challenge for 30 days, something that I've always said I would do but didn't find the time.  I will be glad for others to join in.  What have you always said you wanted to do?  Make it a realistic challenge that you can stick to, break it down and set yourself up to look back at the end of December and see that the challenge is completed!

You will be able to leave your blog link details in the main section so that we can visit you and give you support and encouragement during the month.  Would love to hear your thoughts on challenges that you have done!

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Try Something New - Week 3 Update

I am astounded at how quick the week went, I thought I'd get this update done as I go into week 4.  I tried to vary the time of my walks to see how I felt, and did an evening and afternoon walk.

I realised I prefered to hear the birds tweeting rather than the traffic, and you notice how many people are on the road and it then doesn't become a peaceful 'alone with my thoughts' activity, so the verdict is that either walking first thing or walking at lunch time when there is a bit of sunshine all helps to make an enjoyable walk.  I am also beginning to feel that 'have to get out urge' rather than forcing myself to get my things together, and when I do get that feeling of not wanting to go out, even with all the preparation, I have to remind myself it's only 10 mins in one direction then back!

This week I took a walk round where my mother lives in Camden.  It  brought back childhood memories of me standing on my mothers balcony which looked onto the main road.

I'd sing songs I made up hoping a record producer would hear me as they drove by....I was determined to be spotted, and sang at the top of my lungs;

I'm only 11,11, 11 but what's the use, use, use of me trying to get in show biz,
wow oh wiz you never see me crying,
wow oh wiz I'll never stop trying.......

I would sing on the balconly mostly at the weekends. Funny I am not sure what the neighbours thought, I never knew if they complained the only one that did complain was my little brother who would tell me what an awful voice I had, (brothers eh)!

My mothers estate backs on to two film studios.  On Monday I was in the process of going for my walk and putting out her recycling in the boxes which overlook the studios in my 'never wear these out on the streets, unless it's dark and no one can see you tracksuit' and who should drive up through her estate to the studio but Gok Wan, who glanced at me as I turned, I had to laugh as he had the look of 'you'd be just right for my extreme Makeover show' on his face.  Anyway...not to be deterred by my momentary embarrassement I strode off, vowing to myself that I would get a decent tracksuit to do my workouts in.

There are a lot of squirrels still to be seen, not sure if they are confused by the mildness of the weather and are eating up all their spring store or if they are still collecting for the winter.

Working on challenges to come....trying to get things organised such as website, goals and dreams for 2012, the thought of making 12 changes in the year that are lasting and will make a difference in my life is quite exciting.  I have been taking part in the Art Every Day Month on my other blog, will be updating some of the work I have been doing for the last few days, and have been doing some more backgrounds.  There is still so much to see in regards to the plant life, lots of bright blooms still on show;

and some rather unusual looking mushrooms growing on the grass..

but the changing of the leaves have been spectacular to see;

Roll on week 4 need to start thinking what challenge December will bring, what do I want to try?  What change do you think you would like to challenge yourself to making? Blessings for the rest of the week.

Week 4 Update
Week 2 Update
Week 1 Update
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