Saturday 16 April 2011


Sometimes the smallest thing can be inspiring.....

We have a shed in our back garden and we are planning to clear it out in the holidays. The door had a glass pane in it which has over the years dropped out of the frame but still allows the door to open. The shed became a haven for many creepy crawlies, and we only go in there to take the bikes out during the summer and gingerly step round everything else as we dodge the cobwebs.

I was taking some pictures of the plants in my garden when I noticed a robin singing quite loudly it had some dried grass in its mouth and then it flew on top of the crack in the door where the pane of glass had slid down. I was about to open the door in an attempt to rescue the trapped bird as it jumped around a bit on a replacement door we had in the shed then it flew out. What I realised is that it had built or was building a nest. Got me to thinking how the bird made the best of a situation in the shed and despite the circumstances created a place of peace and comfort for its eggs.

How too then are we inspired by our circumstance, how can we look at them differently to produce a different outcome, perhaps we have been given news that we didn’t expect, how will we respond will we see the benefits or will we focus on the the meantime, does anyone know how long robin eggs take to hatch?
I am also doing the challenge on my other blog Amanda Trought Art, with a whole different set of words but I have been blessed as I steadily make my way through the alphabet. I know you will be blessed as you make your way around to the blogs of the other participants on the challenge.
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