Tuesday 5 April 2011


I have been in quite a reflective mood and thought it would be a good idea to think about blessings, recognising and appreciating those things that have been a blessing to me.  I think it is probably something we should do on a regular basis, just to remind ourselves....

5 things I feel blessed about...

1. Relationships with family and friends, the support, laughter, and inspiration...
2. My mother - whilst she has dementia, she is still holding on to life, she has a sense of humour and a youthful quality about her life...
3. Discovering my passion was art, stepping out of my comfort zone and pursuing my passion, and being able to take the steps to being a mixed media artist....
4. New found friends...my journey as an artist has brought me into contact with so many talented artists and creative individuals, it has been a blessing and every day there is something of themselves shared that is inspiring and motivating....
5. My faith and relationship with God...I am reminded that we are here but for his grace.  My faith enables me to continually step out of the box and even the boat on occasion...If you get a chance check out some of the other participants on the A-Z Challenge, be inspired!...be blessed!


  1. What a great B word. It's so easy to forget out blessings -- so this is a fantastic reminder.

    PS - I'm in London, too! It's such a beautiful day. Now THAT is a blessing.

  2. We are all blessed. And I like how you've actually taken a picture of the word blessed in the dictionary. It's a very clever graphic.

  3. Amen! I'm also blessed beyond belief! I'm following you.

    Fellow A-Z challenger.

  4. I'm blessed for many reasons, but first and foremost because I'm saved.

  5. This is a great post - it's so easy to forget to be grateful for the things we have!

  6. This is a fabulous B word. What a great post. I am thankful every day for my blessings.

  7. Amen! Beautiful post Amanda. Thank you for sharing your blessings. It is so easy to get caught up in the everyday to forget how we are truly blessed. This has been a difficult week for me and my faith and remembering how blessed I am has gotten me through. Great B post.

  8. We take for granted the many blessing we do have or we get caught up in the mundane. It's a lovely post to remember just how blessed we truly are.

  9. Talli, wasn't it a lovely day, thanks for stopping by.

    Angela, thank you for your visit

    Kathy, thank you for following, great to see you on the challenge

    Alex, Amen to that!

    Sangu, thank you!

    Kimberley, counting them one by one!

    Rasz, I pray your week gets easier..there but for his grace!

    SooZeQue thanks for your visit and for your comments.


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