Showing posts with label arts and health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label arts and health. Show all posts

Saturday 12 September 2020

Arts and Wellness Cafe - Artist Materials Bank

Welcome to the Arts and Wellness Cafe, in this video I will be sharing about the Materials Bank that I have visited and picked up some items to create with.

The Materials Bank was initiated by the NCF (National Cultural Foundation) to provide a space at the Queens Park Gallery for supplies and materials that creatives can access for FREE.

Check out some of the things that I got on this visit.

I would also love for you to share about your creative journey, what are you working on at the moment, what creative challenges have you been having.

As always, stay blessed and be a blessing.

Tuesday 8 September 2020

Life Book Taster Sessions 28th September 2020 - 11th October 2020

Welcome, I am excited to share with you the FREE Life Book Taster Sessions.  I hope you will join me for some amazing & Free Life Book Taster Sessions which begin on September 28th! 

This is my lesson lots of creative play

Do you want to learn how to create more well-being in your life? 

  • Do you want to create, express, develop and grow? 
  • Do you want to play with paints, get messy with collage, enjoy mark making and drawing? 
  • Do you want more hints and tips on how to use your creativity to become a happier person? 

Creative Play Detail - mark making and colour

If the answer to those questions is YES then come join us on the FREE Life Book Taster Sessions!

Monday 7 September 2020

Arts and Wellness Cafe - Getting Lost in the Busyness

In this video I share about taking time doing things that don't actually lead to your priorities and before you know it you are running out of time to do the things that really matter and you wonder where the day has gone.

Come and join me in the Art and Wellness Cafe

I also give you a tour of some of my work, let me know if you have a favorite!

Tuesday 30 June 2020

Arts and Wellness Studio Talk - Episode 229

Welcome to my studio - Mixed Media Artist Amanda Trought

Welcome to Arts and Wellness - Episode

In today's episode I talk about some of the work that I have been doing, the importance of being creative and having some activities that may not be related to your main creative output - say using a different medium.

Listen to the Podcast

Mixed Media Arts - Textiles - Amanda Trought
Textile projects

Check out the Unmuted - celebration of black women artists - this is just a drop in the ocean.  Check out some of their work and show some love.

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Arts and Wellness - Art Journals and Collage

Arts and Wellness - Art Journals and Collage

In this video we look at how the arts and creativity can and do impact on our health and well-being.  

We look at taking a variety of materials and seeing how using collage can often enable us to communicate thoughts and feelings.

You can create on separate pieces of card/paper and then add to your art Journal.  Don't be afraid to experiment and above all have fun..

Stay blessed and be a blessing.

Creative Encourager - If you want to talk about creativity and the direction you are going and need a listening ear, sign up for a FREE 30 minute call

Friday 15 May 2020

Arts and Wellness Wednesday - Mental Health and Art Journal

Join me in the video or on the podcast for this episode of Arts and Wellness where I look at the effects of the varying lock down, social distancing, death, unemployment and mask wearing around the world there is a knock on effect on our health.  

Working in an Art Journal can have positive effects on our health and  well being, let me know how you use yours if you have one, or check out some of my art journal videos for some tips

Listen to the Podcast

.Creating backgrounds can be useful as a starting point

Art Journal Page - Backgrounds - Amanda Trought

I create images in mine and journal as well.

Art Journal Page - jounalling - Amanda Trought

Have a look at my Patreon Blog for more ideas

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Arts and Wellness Wednesday - Chat Episode 216

Arts and Wellness

Arts  and Wellness Wednesday

Welcome to the show notes for the Arts and Wellness Episode - 216, so glad to have you here.  If you have not yet seen the video you can catch it down below

You can listen to the podcast below

Part of my normal routine starts the day with herbal tea made from Moringa, Broad leaf Thyme and on occasion another blend, alongside a cup or ordinary tea as I head my way over to my studio.

Frangipani flowers from the garden and Scaevola cutting.

In the recording I share information about my art journals.  This is my Restoration journal, one among many.  An art journal is a great place to put your thoughts in images and words.  I work in several art journals depending on how I am feeling at the time.  I love making journals.
Art Journal Restoration - Amanda Trought
Art Journal - Restoration, Amanda Trought

Pages can be prepped before hand, and I usually see the process in 3 stages, depending on how much time I have to work on a page.  The page below has lots of texture, colour, and I have journalled on the pages.  I initially layered the background colours on the pages, then went back at a later date and added the images.  

When I felt in the mood to do some written journalling I looked through the pages to see which one was speaking to me then added the written text.

Art Journal Restoration - Amanda Trought

This is usually how the page starts out on the left, with layers of colour on the page

Art Journal Restoration - Amanda Trought

This is another activity that I have enjoyed doing, creating pieces to slow stitch.  These are quilted painted pieces that I then have been adding stitching to.  There are many more to start working on.

Textile Art with Slow Stitch - Amanda Trought
Slow stitch fabric

The pieces also have stencils gessoed on and I often add an image to them.

Textile Art with Slow Stitch - Amanda Trought
Closer Detail, painted fabric and stitch - Amanda Trought

What are you finding speaks to you creatively at the moment.  I would love to hear what you are working on.

You can also join me if you want to have a chat about what you are doing creatively where you want to take it.  You can book two free telephone calls were we can explore where you would like to go to next.  Check it out HERE


I look forward to catching up with you soon, stay blessed and be a blessing!


Thursday 30 April 2020

Arts and Wellness Wednesday Art Journals and More - Episode 213

Welcome Arts and Wellness Wednesday, slightly later than planned.  I hope you get a chance to view the video below if not I have shared some of the images below that I spoke about.

listen to the podcast

This is where Cole plants himself, directly behind me so I have to step over him to get passed.  I built a barrier of boxes which he is not amused by and every now and then he jumps over and is practically sitting in my lap!

These are the hand made books that I made at my book binding course, it was really great, all in all we made 5 different books an I try and make sure that I make at least one every few weeks.

Art Journal Page Technique

Art Journals/books I made in Book binders course
 I love making my own books and quite often make them out of alternative materials - fabric, recycled, old prospectus and more.  There is always a wealth of materials available for you to work with.

Art Journals - Amanda Trought

This is a sneak peak at some of the other things that I have been creating - Sculptural Looms with embellishments and stitching projects.

I look forward to hear what you have been up to and seeing some of the images that you share.

Watch the Video

Check me out on Patreon

Check out the Network

Tuesday 24 December 2019

Restoration - Episode 174 - Creating in Faith - You can create

Welcome to Season 2 of Creating in Faith
Welcome to Episode 174 - Today's word is Restoration
Creating In Faith Encouraging Recordings are to bless and inspire you to be the best of yourself. It can be really great to pull out your art journal/Journal and express what comes up for you either with images and colour, with words or with both. Check out the weekly and monthly videos to help you spend more time in your art journal.

When was the last time you gave yourself a make over and really pampered and treated yourself.  if you haven't done anything in the last month then you could be heading for trouble.

We have to make our care a regular practice for our who bod, mentally, physically and spiritually and it means that you have got to  care about how you feel how you've felt and what you are currently feeling.

The idea of restoration for me means bringing back into balance taking note of how I am treating my body, and overall health.  Am I getting enough rest, doing the things that make me feel good.  You might have to plan these things into your schedule and show up for 'you' each and every time.  It can be easy to say that you don't have time today and leave it to tomorrow, but as the saying goes 'tomorrow never comes' and you are telling yourself that you don't matter.

Make a list of the things that you like to do that makes you laugh, makes you feel special, it could be taking 5 minutes just for you.  What I sometimes do especially if i have spent a lot of focused time on the computer is set my timer on my phone for 10 minutes and have a power nap, when the alarm goes off it plays disco music that I have to jump up and dance to it works for me, I am rested, refreshed and ready to go.  You can have large and several small things on your list that you put in place and will help you maintain balance in your life - You are worth it!!

Stay blessed and be a blessing


Creating in Faith

If you would like to see some behind the scenes, images and additional tips HERE
You will find the 2 art journal videos available to consume at your leisure - the Making of the art journal for the month and an art journal page process - Check these out HERE
There are so many FREE ways in which you can support the podcast and the work that I do on some of the other channels and it is always a blessing when you connect -
  • listening each week and leave a comment,
  • Subscribe to any or all of my channels, visit the
  • YouTube channel (remember to hit the notification bell)
  • Let me know how the content impacted you and if you were inspired to make changes/additions to your work or life.
Check out some encouraging boards on Pinterest

Artwork available from the title image HERE

I also have an Arts and Health NHS Network for information on activities and organisations working in the field. You are welcome to join, it is a FREE resource and if you have any activities or want to talk about your work you are welcome to send me the information and I will see that it gets uploaded. You can create your own profile on the network and connect with others who are passionate about the arts in health too.
Creative Encourager - If you want to talk about creativity and the direction you are going and need a listening ear, sign up for a FREE 30 minute call

Wednesday 11 December 2019

Arts and Wellness Wednesday - Nurturing

In Today's Arts and Wellness Podcast I talk about the need to nurture and make sure that you prepare yourself for the Christmas Season - for some it can be a lonely time.  Were possible see if you have anyone who may need that extra support, welcome them to your homes and family gatherings and be part of a wider community that cares for the individuals who may have a hard time at this time of the year

We can often forget to take care of ourselves as we are rushing around caring for others, and so it is important to take stock every now and then to make sure your not running on empty.

Remember to check out the Art Journal page creations in Mondays Creating in faith as a way of you taking stock of how far you have come and the direction in which you are heading.  Taking one step and one day at a time you are able to make sure you are always prepared for the events that may crop up and your perspective is one that is coming from abundance rather than lack.

I look forward to the journey with you, do let me know how you are getting on in your pursuits.

Stay blessed and be a blessing.

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Arts and Wellness Wednesday - Episode 166

In today's show I take a look at the work that I have been doing, working with fabrics and stitching, in preparation for an exhibition that will be taking place in a couple of weeks.  Also the idea of planning and how not to be drawn into overwhelm.  The stitching to me is a very therapeutic activity and it is great to be able to pull the work together a combination of stitching, fabric manipulation and embroidery techniques.

Social Media

I have also been considering changing up my approach with social media, and look at the need for us to share our work and be more strategic in the content that we are going to share.  I am in the early stages of my planning but it is coming together  We all have something to share and we just have to get out of our own way and get on with it, we have a mission to get done.

I also wanted to share with you some events that are taking place this week and into the new year in regards to the Arts and Health events, and I have provided links below for you to take a look at:

Photography, Mental Health and Creative Expression, Arts SIG Conference – 11 December 2019
Join artists Daniel Regan and Antonia Attwood to learn about their creative arts practices in mental health and their work in social prescribing, and participate in two workshops on mindful making.

Dementia & Imagination: Art as Inspiration, Artists as Researchers, Derby – 17 December 2019
The University of Derby's Arts-based Research in Dementia cluster invite you to attend a seminar in their series of arts-based and creative approaches to dementia care

Early Stage Dementia Awareness training, Arts4Dementia – 24 January 2020

Training session designed to give arts facilitators greater understanding, increased skills and confidence in communicating and working creatively with people experiencing the early stages of dementia and their carers

The Art of Ageing Artfully, Midlands Art Centre – 5 February 2020

This event, produced by Midlands Arts Centre on behalf of The Baring Foundation and Arts Council England, will explore the role of creativity, arts and cultural change in the experiences of growing older and ask if a medical model of old age can address the creative and cultural realities of our lives

A Culture of Care: Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance national conference, Derby Museum – 19-20 March 2020

The theme of the event will be care: care for one another (participants, practitioners, commissioners); care for the environment; and caring economies
If you have been able to attend any of the events do let me know how you get on.  Stay blessed and be a blessing

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Chocolate Rain - Review - 100 Ideas for a Creative Approach to Activities in Dementia Care

 Chocolate Rain Review

Welcome to the blog today.  I am reviewing the book called Chocolate Rain - 100 Ideas for a Creative Approach to Activities in Dementia Care.  I found the book to be a great resource and definitely one that you should have on your bookshelf, and be your 'go-to' resource.  I will be updating with the video if you would like to see the chapters and get a feel for the book.

As well as a key resource the book also encourages you to create a list of your own activities and the chapters help you in achieving this.  You don't have to be actively creative to develop the ideas in this book, but high chances are you will end up creative and that's great!

Check out the podcast episode where I talk about the book and share some of my own experience being an artist and carer and developing art workshops and also looking at the impact that art and creativity has on our health and well-being.

 The book is called Chocolate Rain

The book is filled with some really great tips and ideas, and gets you thinking about the things you are doing and how you can be more mindful with someone who may be at varying stages of the disease.  The arts have always played a key role in impacting on healthcare situations in the home or in a care setting, and there are a variety of organisations that work with artists from a variety of disciplines to deliver sessions - from the arts to music, dance, drama and more.

Check out the Arts and Health NHS Network for information on activities and organisations working in the field.  You are welcome to join, it is a FREE resource and if you have any activities or want to talk about your work you are welcome to send me the information and I will see that it gets uploaded.  You can create your own profile on the network and interact with other organisations and individuals working in and around the NHS.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Art and Wellness Podcast

I have started a new episode of talks on the Podcast, which covers Arts and Wellness.  I will be talking to artists about their work and how it impacts on their wellbeing, reviewing books, materials and supplies that promote using art as a therapeutic tool and more, and also talk about ways in which we can use art more in our daily lives.  Over the next few weeks I will be sharing short interviews that I had with a variety of artist who exhibited at the Caribbean Fine Art Fair which happens in March every year in Barbados. 

I got to talk briefly with Minister John King the Cultural Minister for Arts here in Barbados while he opened the Caribbean Fine Arts Fair a yearly Art Exhibition, bringing in Artists from all around the world.  Minister John King he shared briefly on some of the plans they have for the arts and National Art Gallery in Barbados.  Minister King started his career as a singer/performer and brings his experience as to his role and insight to some of the needs of the arts here in Barbados.

Here is the brief talk with on my Arts and Wellness Episode with Minister King.

Some of the takeaways from the talk is the need to raise awareness of the arts and artists in Barbados, showcasing the work of artists and looking at building that are empty and can be utilized better. 

Artist, Mother, and more - Mavis Trought

Part of my experience is as a carer and an artist with the elderly with dementia and their carers and running art and creativity workshops. Some of the things that he said about the buildings that had been disregarded and left to run down – with so much history that they could tell us about Barbados, struck a similar note in the way that the elderly are treated around the world.  

One of the things that seems to be changing as a community is the lack of value that we place on our elderly within the community, with so many feeling isolated, on their own, families fragmented and they get forgotten.  There is so much wisdom that they have that can often be lost over the generations and we have to find ways to harness their knowledge and find a way where we can create inter-generational projects to pass on their wisdom. 

In the fast paced life our elderly become casualties, like the throwaway containers their knowledge becomes undocumented, distant until no one remembers.  We have to spend more time with them and each other have meaning conversations and experiences, understanding their lives can still be fulfilling and find ways for the generations to interact and learn from each other.

So something for you to think about in your creative interactions is how you can utilize your creative skills to impact on the life of someone who is an elder and living on their own, or in a care home.  How can you be of service and be a blessing touching the life of someone else.

The next Arts and Wellness podcast will feature artist and photographer Lisa Mona.  Sign up to my mailing list and join me each week.  The show scheduling is as follows:

Tuesday 5 June 2018

Beyond Words Exhibiton - London

A piece of Me still remains - Mixed Media Art - Amanda Trought

I have been invited to take part in the Exhibition called Beyond Words - The Healing Power of Art, running from the 4th June to 27th June, taking place at The Darnley Gallery, London.

It is great to be included in the exhibition.  My work for me has always been about unraveling and sharing stories, and I feel that there is always an element in a piece of art that can be related to.  

The Arts have been used to communicate and express experiences in our society past and present, it keeps our cultures, and traditions alive.  It can take many forms through craft disciplines such as quilting, pottery, weaving, music, dance, and so much more with the stories at the heart.  Our stories and skills are handed down the generations, and with each generation we can look back, learn and add our experience. 

When we recognized the value of the use of story telling and symbolism in our art we will also see how using it as a form of expression around our health and well-being is valuable.

There is nothing more fulfilling than learning a skill, being taught by an elder/master craftsman and creating from what you learnt, and sharing that piece of work you have created with your own hands.

I have been using art and creativity as a way to express different aspects of my life and perspective. I remember the stories heard from our elders as they gathered around the kitchen table, kids were seen and not heard and often the adults would forget were were lurking in the background until we piped up with a question, and they would order us out.  This too comes out in the creations.  

Learning to capture moments of our lives in art and creativity tells part of our life experience that you might not see if you spoke to me.  When I think of my experience as a carer I learnt to look at my role in a very ordered way and the work I have in this exhibition looks at how I learnt to compartmentalize every thing I did when I looked after my mum who is living with Dementia, and the feeling invisible around all the different roles that are taken on.

A Piece of Me still Remains - Amanda Trought Mixed Media Artist

The different images represent the different roles that I had to take on to make it work, and the numbers represent the passing of time.  I was never able to express that it was what I was doing, but as I created the painting it was what was coming out and found its way to the canvas.

A Piece of Me still Remains - Amanda Trought
I hope you will be able to make it to the exhibition, there is a wonderful range of art work on display.  The official opening night is on Friday 8th June 


Arts in Health main image

Join the free Arts in Health Network, find out about events happening all around the world, share your Arts in Health Network projects.


London Creativity and Wellbeing Week

If you want to take in some other events then check out the Creativity and Wellbeing Week, an initiative of the London Arts in Health Forum

For a full list of events happening both in and outside of London click HERE

There is a great variety of events that you can go along to.  Who knows it might inspire you to do something totally new and nurture your creative voice!

Stay blessed and be a blessing

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