Thursday 7 April 2011


Creativity for me is an important part of maintaining my health and well-being. It doesn’t matter what you choose to do whether painting, dancing, and writing or a range of other creative pursuits, what really counts is that you participate on a daily basis. Showing up even if it’s for just 5 minutes. Disciplining yourself despite what’s going on around you allows you to spend that time on you, showing up for you, then you can work on spending longer over time.
It’s been widely recognised for many years that art and creative activities can affect our health, and hospitals and more and more private and public sector organisations are looking at how their environment can make an impact not only on their clients, but their staff as well.

Many health authorities are looking at ‘Art on Prescription’ schemes where individuals are encouraged to take part in art activities over a 10 week period in an attempt to reduce the amount of time they visit their doctors and this has been rolled out initially for depression and other mental health related conditions. If you’re ever anywhere near north London check out Creative Health Lab who run art, dance/movement, and horticulture sessions and are based in Kentish Town City Farm.

Finally, when you get a moment, check out this very inspiring video by Jan Phillips You are Worth the Time


  1. yes, it is true, art is healing! Or at least the vehicle that brings it.

  2. Creativity is so healing. I love your post. I have just found my creative soul again and the changes in my life are amazing. Thank you Amanda for explaining the importance of creativity, showing up for ourselves and the healing effects of doing so. Very inspiring!

  3. I agree with everything you say - creativity, or the power to express ourselves creatively, is so important to our mental health.

    Excellent post!

  4. Your awesome creativity is evident throughout your blog, Amanda. I especially like your walking challenge. Thanks for sharing it!

  5. Mary thanks for your visit

    Rasz, bless you will be great to hear about the changes that are happening:)

    Ellie, thank you for your visit and encouraging words

    Pam, thank you hoping to get back on track with the walking challenge:)

  6. You're right and I accumulate useless things to my wife because I find I have very saturated and I have many things that I think will serve me to photograph.

  7. Leovi, definitely, I'm always saying that 'this will come in handy someday!'


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