Tuesday 26 April 2011

Posting for A-Z April Challenge

I hope you have been able to visit many of the blogs taking part in the A-Z Blogging challenge.  I am very proud of myself for getting this far.  For many of the blogs that you might visit most people are probably on their V words.  Today is serving as my P word.

I took the challenge primarilly to develop my writing in as many ways as possible, I also wanted to see what others creatives were doing and have met many inspiring people along the way.  I had given myself the additional challenge of not only writing on this blog but also to post on my other blog Amanda Trought Art.  This mean that instead of 26 I would have 52 posts to do over April.  I didn't get to preschedule any posts and so what then happened was life....there were days that I couldn't post because of the particular circumstance that day, or after a full day working blogging was the furthest thing from my mind.

To make sure that I complete the challenge what I have then had to do is play catchup and have been trying to post twice a day and where possible see if I can do some in advance.  After this post I only have 10 more on this blog to do and I have been patting myself on the back every step of the way because this has been one of my 'stepping out of my comfort zone' experiences.  Now I have got this far, lets see what else will appear on the list of challenges!  I do hope my post have been encouraging and inspiring, would love to see your comments.


  1. Yay for getting this far and not quitting! Posting hasn't been the hard part for me-- my real challenge has been getting around to comment on all the blogs I followed at the beginning of April!

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog. And congrats on not quitting! I've kept up for the most part but it has been a lot more than I anticipated. I feel like I've spent so much mental energy this month thinking about my blog as opposed to just writing. It's been good though and I've managed to record some things that I want to have saved in writing that I might never have had an excuse to write about so that makes me happy.

    Good luck with these last few posts!

  3. Karen, Great to see you, I'm getting there day by day, trying to spend some time seeing other blogs as well.

    Joyce, its a pleasure the challenge has definitely thrown a new light on things. Thank you for visiting.

  4. Playing catchup is something I would never have the strength to do. I had to schedule posts in advance. I am now all out of posts and we will see what happpens tomorrow.


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